Monday, April 8, 2013

Konna - Jessika Lester


By far I love horses as my favorite animals, but one animal that has truly been a blessing to me is my puppy Konna. I saw and picked out Konna when she was five weeks old and might I say I was blessed with the best dog in the world. Konna is a white Labrador retriever who is now five months old and growing like a weed. She is intelligent with knowledge that scares me sometimes because it’s almost as if she is too smart for being a puppy. When I’m not having exactly the best day, she defiantly has a way of bringing my happiness back out of me and I’m so thankful for that. Some people don’t appreciate how much a dog can change a person’s life, or they don’t believe that a four legged animal is even capable of changing a person’s life, but I for a fact know that they can.

Konna is always making me laugh whether she is playing fetch with herself, running into stuff, throwing pizza rolls up in the air and trying to catch them, tormenting the poodles we have, darting into the utility room to get in the cage to get a treat, rolling every times she lays down, or running around in circle until she can’t move no more. I can’t help but laugh every time I am with her, and I thank God that he has put her into my life.    

Mud Bog - Jessika Lester

Something I really enjoy a lot is going to mud bogs with friends. I love the sound of lifted trucks coming into the facility and their trucks look like they have just been air bushed painted or they are so muddy that you can barely see the person who is driving it and you don’t know if someone else is in the truck because it is covered in mud. The driver usually has cleared a circle big enough to see out of in front of where he/she is sitting so that he/she can see some what where to go. I attended the Good Friday Mud Bog March 29, and may I say that was a good time. I got to see a bunch of my friends that I hadn’t seen since graduating which was really nice to catch back up and then I got to see the trucks run through the mud. Which to some people it may sound stupid or boring, however it something that I love to be a part of and if I had a truck to mess up and be able to run through the mud, I would defiantly be out there trying to compete against the guys.

People may call us a bunch of "rednecks" for doing activity’s that consist of running through the mud, or some people say we have nothing better to do without lives, but the way I see it, if it makes you happy and keeps you out of trouble, do it. If people don’t like what you do, don’t worry about it. More than likely they probably wish they could do the stuff you do and as a jealousy, they hate on you for that!

Never Settle For Less, Barrel Racing - Jessika Lester

I have always wanted to barrel race since I was little. I started when I was about seven years old and haven't stopped since then. My passion for the sport is unbelievable I strive for the best every time the timer starts and I'm on the clock trying to knock out my competition. The adrenalin that takes over my body is what I live for. There is a power so big beneath you that it was once untamable and now you’re on its back about to let all its power take action and go. People don't realize the power a horse has and what they are capable of doing that's another reason why I love barrel racing so much is so that people can see that horses are intelligent and extremely strong animals. Barrel racing also is not easy. They say "awh its nothing to run around barrels", think again. There is so much thinking involved that if you miss one out of several things you have to remember you might as well pack up and head home because you’re not going to win. It takes a lot of concentration and a lot of multitasking to be able to barrel race. Not only that, you are working with an animal that also has a mind of its own at times and it might refuse to do something you want him/her to do with can be frustrated but then again I like a challenge.